
The Benton County Civil Division of the Sheriff’s Office is to serve papers, Income Execution, Property Executions, Sheriff Sales of Real and Personal Property, Family Court Orders, Orders of Seizure, Orders of Attachment, Citations, Orders to Show Cause, Warrants to Remove and Warrants of Arrest. In addition, The Civil Enforcement Division collects and maintains funds, receipts and recording of all fees for legal mandates, garnishee payments, and other seizures. The staff members of the Civil Enforcement Division are comprised of two civilian, 4 deputies and one sergeant who are specially trained to carry out the many complicated steps involved in executing and enforcing civil law enforcement.

The Sheriff’s office can serve Civil Paperwork for a fee. For fee information please view the Civil Service FAQ page here.

Further questions can be answered through our Civil Division:

Monday thru Friday

8:00am – 4:30pm
